NaNoWriMo 2014 Report: Week Three
Current word count: 24,310
Average words per day: 1,230
This has been another slow, low word-count week, but that was pretty much as expected. With the big event at work behind me, and a long holiday weekend coming up, I hope to make some major strides forward in terms of catching up.
I am pleased to report (I suppose), that this is not my worst NaNoWriMo year on record. I am still ahead of the year when I didn’t finish—although not by much.
The next week might be challenge. Not from my conflicting demands on my time, as has been the case so far, but (finally!) in terms of story. I still don’t have a strong sense of what kind of person my main character was in his past, before the events that changed him then turned him into the person he is now. Hopefully that will come to me before I actually get there.
I do have some other narrative tap-dancing that I can do it around it until then, but I will need to decide soon.
Returning to commune with my muse once more . . .
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