NaNoWriMo 2014 Report: Week Two
Current word count: 15,699
Average words per day: 1,374
This week shaped up to be little better than Week One.
A confluence of an extremely busy week at work, along with other factors, contributed to a much lower word count than I would have liked. It was not so much a lack of plot or ideas, as it was a lack of dedicated writing time.
Checking over my records from my previous years of NaNoWriMo, it looks like Week Two is generally my lowest one in overall word count from the other weeks. I’m behind in terms of my overall word count from where I would like to be, but not getting too concerned about it just yet. However, next week will likely be another challenging one, but plan to catch up once the week is over and during Week Four.
Okay, back at it . . .
Happy Halfway point! :) I can stand on the sidelines with tea and cookies cheering you on <3
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