NaNoWriMo 2014 Report: Week Four
Current word count: 48,341
Words this week: 24,031
Average words per day: 3,433
A very good week!
The Thanksgiving weekend is almost always a strong one for me, writing-wise, if I’m not traveling. And this week is one for the record books . . . kind of.
While my total word count at this point is actually slightly lower in comparison to my average for all of my “winning” years (I usually hit 50,000 words sometime during this week), my average word count per day and my number of words written during this week are both new highs.
One interesting—or perhaps, bothersome—thing about this story is that, after more than 48,000 words, I’ve only just now gotten to the crux of the story that I originally set out to tell. All of the writing so far has been in setting up the surrounding “wrapper” story in which the rest of it was intended to take place. (My original plan had been that this might consist on a single chapter, or perhaps two, at the most.) This means that I’m potentially looking at a 100,000- to 120,000-word novel here when it’s completed.
Okay, back to coax the muse into what I hope will be an easy home stretch (yeah, I know, famous last words) . . .
You got this! You can do it! 1000 words/day. That's easy.
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