NaNoWriMo 2013 Report: Week 3
Current word count: 33,675
Average words per day: 1,523
Again, this was not a terrific week for meeting my daily word count goals, but it was up from last week. So, that’s good.
I had anticipated the virtual write-in to be a huge distraction in terms of word count. It was, but only before it started. Once it was in motion, even with all of the distractions of managing the event and providing real-time technical support, I still managed an average of more than 2,500 words each day. Word sprints ftw!
The story itself has taken an interesting turn. Once again, like last year, someone intended as a secondary character has suddenly taken center stage. The implications of this on a story (and personal!) level are intriguing.
Unlike most years, I don’t know exactly how this story ends. I mean, I have a general concept of what the climactic ending needs to look like, but not the details. That’s unusual for me for this time in the writing. By now, I usually have a clear and vivid idea of how those final scenes play out.
Okay. I’m more than a day behind on where I need to be for total word count. Back at it!
Still rooting and living vicariously through you! <3
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