NaNoWriMo 2012 Report: Week 1
Current word count: 14,859
Average words per day: 2,123
This week—and year—started off to a very strong start, despite my misgivings over the lack of a full understanding of the story’s plot and structure. These word counts are a new personal best for me at the end of Week 1—well above my previous records (in 2010, for those of you might be counting).
The story and characters have already taken some interesting turns. One of what has become one of my main viewpoint characters was not even in my original planned list of characters for the story. She was originally intended just to open the scene, but then quickly—very quickly—acquired a life of her own.
I’m noticing an interesting trend this year: I’m having a much easier time writing the scenes for the female characters than for the male ones. I’m not entirely sure what’s driving this. I’ll ponder it more deeply later if I get stuck.
I’ve been forcing myself to try to alternate between the two. This is probably a bad strategy, but the word count is currently holding up, so I’m not going to worry on that too much for now. I have little doubt that I will break it as the weeks progress.
Back to it . . . and hoping the Week 2 is as productive!
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