NaNoWriMo 2013 Report: Week 1
Current word count: 12,608
Average words per day: 1,801
While I have not reached my rather prodigious weekly average of more than 2,000 words/week that I managed last year, I am quite pleased with my progress.
Going into this year’s effort, I wasn’t at all sure that I could make it work and churn out enough reasonable words each day to meet even the minimum goal. I have, and I did, so I’m feeling better about that and a bit more confident about the novel overall—a bit. There’s still a long way to go . . .
I’m expecting next week to be the most challenging week of them all, as the story really needs to come together structurally if I’m going to pull this off. (Remind me again why I thought that accepting this challenge seemed like a good idea?)
Now, back to it. I have many words to write before I sleep . . .
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