WorldCon 2013 Report: Day Four — The Current State of US Copyright Law
Sunday, September 01, 2013
Panel: Will Frank (M), Paul Herman, Richard Morgan, John Wardale
This was an interesting panel. I went because I knew that there's been quite a bit of uproar about various copyright-related issues. I did learn quite a bit.
My Notes
- Some people think of copyright just as protection
- The biggest goal of copyright is just to promote culture
- The reason there is any protection at all is so that artists can gain income from their works
- Supposed to provide a limit so you can protect your stuff for a period of time, but has become perpetual
- Copyright is really narrow (someone has take the same picture you did)
- Copyright is provided for in the Constitution; a balance—a deal—between the government and the artist
- Patent is for ideas; copyrights are for the actual work
- Copyright is the exclusive rights that can be licensed
- Original copyright was 28 years, now 95; 75 years in most places overseas (life of the artist + 25 years)
- In the U.S., it is only about economic benefit, not moral as in Europe
- Fair Use exception: 4 key points
- Have you harmed the future income potential of the work?
- One key word is "transformative"
- Some groups create an aura around their rights
- Parody is a good example of fair use
- The Internet exists in a weird place in relation to copyright
- Cite your source
- Respect the social norm
- Trademark is a different beast; it's related to a product or a family of products, not content
- Creative Commons licensing
- Open source is about free speech, not free beer
- Most fan work is derivative work
- There are different rules about inheriting copyright than for other items; make sure you plan for that accordingly
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