NaNoWriMo 2012 Report: Week 4

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Current word count: 60,750
Average words per day: 2,323

Those numbers represent a new personal record for total word count at this point—by a significant margin. I missed a new record for average words per day by 6 words. Oh well. I’ve already passed by record for total words for the month as well, so any words beyond these just pad the overall word count to my advantage.

Looking at these numbers, I do now begin to wonder if a 100,000-word year might not actually be possible at some point. Granted, all the stars would need to align, and it would require the complete cooperation of my muse, but it’s looking quite a bit less impossible than I had believed.

All this also tells me that it is possible for me to get a book out there at least every six months. It’s just a matter of doing it. And finishing it.

Okay, back to it. Let’s see what these last two days bring . . .

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